Category Archives: (2011) Guatemala

Guatemala Mission Trip


Hello Everyone!

It looks like I will be back at it again!  I have been asked to help lead a team to Guatemala come the 17th of August.  It has been somewhat shorter notice than usual as I have just found out the details this past week.

My home church – South Delta Baptist – is taking a team of young adults and youth to Guatemala to get a taste of what life is like down there.  We will be putting on VBS kids events (Bible camps) for three separate places that we hope to share our lives and ultimately the life of Christ with.

Huehuetenego is where we will be based

I was asked to attend as I could be a great help in being able to speak Spanish and give leadership.  I have been wondering what God has been up to in this as it means I will be leaving again (making it twice this summer).  My heart is excited to see the youth experience what life is like in other parts of the world.  I hope the Lord can open their eyes to see the many different ways of living and potential ways that they could serve in the future.  I am also excited to be able to use my spanish again in a significant manner.  I can’t wait to share my life and what Christ has been doing with whoever God gives me the opportunity to do so.

Please keep me in your prayers.  I have been feeling somewhat anxious and lonely as I am still adapting back to lifestyle here in North America where I don’t have the direct goal of finishing a degree or program nor the community that had been readily available from school and missions programs.  Pray as well for finances, safety, and spiritual victory in the lives of those on the team and those we will be ministering to.


Thanks so much for your continual attention to my life.  It means so much to me.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at:

