A Fearless Child

It has been a while since I last wrote.

Life has continued as it does pulling me in many different directions.  The tension between doing what I love and doing what is easily available consumes most of my days.   Where can I find balance?  Why does it feel like after work I have to try and do so much in order for my day to actually feel like it mattered?  Why does doing the same job day in and day out slowly seem to drown my passions?  What will it take for a new vibrance?

These are questions that I ask.  These are questions that I come to God with.

I felt today God came to me with an answer.

I don’t know about the rest of the world but there is something about looking at pictures of my childhood that makes me want to cry.  Not for any particular bad reason.  I had an amazing childhood thanks to my committed loving parents.  The older I get the sadder it seems to be to look.  This emotion never really made sense to me nor did I give it much time to develop into something important enough to want to know why.  But today I found out.

A song I have been listening to has the chorus with these words:  “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God.”  I kept listening to it over and over and over again and began to wonder what is it about this song that I need to hear right now?  Why is this song pulling my heart?  As I had the song going in the background I opened my facebook profile to see my main picture as a picture of myself as a toddler.  The emotions began to well up…

The connection was made.

As I looked at that picture of myself I saw such happiness.  I saw such peace.  I saw trust.  I saw no amount of pride.  I saw no condemnation of others.  I had yet to learn those…  I had yet to learn fear…  I had yet to become a slave to fear’s leadership.  God said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children.  The kingdom of God is a kingdom ruled by unrestricted love, pure faith, and true hope.

It was this picture that aligned with the lyrics “I am no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God.” I then realized how God sees me.  He sees me as that child.  He doesn’t want me to fear life.  He doesn’t want me to get hurt.  He wants me to take risks to see me go for what passions he has blessed me with.  He still has so much to teach me.

It is fear that I have given rulership over many area’s of my life again.  I have chose many things in my life recently because I fear.  I don’t have much longer to live on this earth.  Maybe 40 – 50 more years…  Maybe only one more day… Man I hope I don’t throw it all away because fear is easier to choose than trust.

Guatemala Return!

ImageHey Everyone,

I made it back in one piece.  The trip was an amazing success in my eyes.  We were able to spread the gospel, encourage, and be encouraged by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit used our team to bring in around 35 (and perhaps many more that just didn’t do it publicly) to accept Christ, encourage multiple churches, and learn a great deal of what healing needs to happen in our own lives.  We praise God to see that through invitations the people are willing to follow.  Just as Jesus said the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few we were able to collect a harvest.  I am sure the Lord has used our working as to plant a seed for the many others to come in the future.

I hope to encourage my readers and supporters with the message that I received today in my devotions. I was reading through 1 Timothy and came across verse 1:19, where Paul encourages Timothy to “fight the good fight, holding on to faith” I think sometimes I have forgotten the importance of fighting for my faith.  I think faith should come naturally and that it is God’s job to keep me faithful by bringing me faith building things.  But as I continue to live life here I realize that faith doesn’t always come easily.  I must in fact choose to view life with the eyes of faith over simply accepting the easy way out which may in fact be lessening the vision of who God really is.  It is not easy to say a loving God is in control when you are suffering.  It is not easy to say God loves you when you are being persecuted.  It is not easy to say you are following God’s plan in life when you are given heavy trails that you didn’t think should be.  But it is these times that we are to stand up.  It is these times we are not to simply sit back and accept that God does not then love enough…  We are to fight the good fight.  We are to stand our ground in the midst of the trails.  The one good thing about persecution is getting through it while knowing God is still good and that showing love is still possible.  Jesus tells us trails will come and those who stay faithful to the end, those whose love does not grow cold, will be saved (Mt 24:13).

Keep loving and know God is as well!

Blessings and much thanks for all the prayers and support!


Go For Guat

I’m Leaving On a Jet Plane

Hey All,

Just wanted to update you all on what is going on with Guatemala.  Everything is a go now!  I have my travellers insurance, I have my shots updated, I have forms… almost done, and praise the Lord all the finances came in.

It was an amazing testimony to God’s faithfulness.  As some of you may know this trip came up pretty late and I didn’t really have much time for anything, let alone raising the 1900 it would cost.  But as I desire to pursue with a lifestyle, I didn’t want to let money call the shots.  I went with the attitude that if God wants me there I’ll be there for better or for worse.  I asked some of my donors in the past and was so blessed that some were able to give but I was still 1000 short… I was somewhat anxious about what to tell people because the date for final donation had nearly ended (it was 10pm on the last day).  But sure enough a person that I hadn’t asked – I merely told them about my upcoming trip some days earlier – decides they want to give 1000 dollars!  I wonder why God likes to wait till the last minute for things like this…

I am very thankful for all the support I have around me.  The prayers keep me afloat in the hard times.  The finances put me in them… haha!  I’m excited for this trip and hope to spread the Lord’s Kingdom in all ways possible.

I leave this Friday!

Blessings and Much Thanks!

Guatemala Mission Trip


Hello Everyone!

It looks like I will be back at it again!  I have been asked to help lead a team to Guatemala come the 17th of August.  It has been somewhat shorter notice than usual as I have just found out the details this past week.

My home church – South Delta Baptist – is taking a team of young adults and youth to Guatemala to get a taste of what life is like down there.  We will be putting on VBS kids events (Bible camps) for three separate places that we hope to share our lives and ultimately the life of Christ with.

Huehuetenego is where we will be based

I was asked to attend as I could be a great help in being able to speak Spanish and give leadership.  I have been wondering what God has been up to in this as it means I will be leaving again (making it twice this summer).  My heart is excited to see the youth experience what life is like in other parts of the world.  I hope the Lord can open their eyes to see the many different ways of living and potential ways that they could serve in the future.  I am also excited to be able to use my spanish again in a significant manner.  I can’t wait to share my life and what Christ has been doing with whoever God gives me the opportunity to do so.

Please keep me in your prayers.  I have been feeling somewhat anxious and lonely as I am still adapting back to lifestyle here in North America where I don’t have the direct goal of finishing a degree or program nor the community that had been readily available from school and missions programs.  Pray as well for finances, safety, and spiritual victory in the lives of those on the team and those we will be ministering to.


Thanks so much for your continual attention to my life.  It means so much to me.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at: jon@familyharris.ca







Home Again!

Hey All,

The Team!

I have made it home!  I realizes I did not update this during my stay in Thailand, but that was mainly due to how much we did there and the lack of being in places with internet.  As you could see from the last update we were on the go constantly.


*Meeting Pong:  Pong is a man who is currently in charge of evangelistic  ministries in Northern Thailand.  He took two hours out of his day to tell his life story which involved being a General in the Army, being in the CIA, in Prison for 5 years, solitary confinement for 2 and half, being clinically dead for a day and half receiving visions from the Lord and coming back to life, losing his family, his job, his house, and the Lord reconstructing his life to be fruitful for his Kingdom. He still spends many nights in prison for spreading the good news and preaches to the inmates.  I praise God to see him working in big ways through Pong.

*Meeting Orphan Kids:  We spend some days taking the orphan kids (aged 8 – 17 approx.) out to the beach, eating pizza, and playing sports.  It was amazing to be part of the orphan ministry.  It is an orphanage unlike any other in thailand.  The houses are nicer than many in North America and it is around 6 kids to a mom in each separate house.  The Kids are a joy to be around and have a passion in loving God and loving others.  There is a sense of loving community that, in all my travels, I have found very few places.

Going to the Buddhist temple in Bankok

*English Camp:  We put on an english camp with about 30 kids in attendance.  It was loads of fun and the kids were able to learn much about us, God, and the english language.  My station was to teach the kids a worship song called Sing, sing, sing.  I sung it 17 times that day.  I hope to not to see it for a long time 🙂 …

One of the missionary’s kids named Chase.

Overall the trip was an amazing way to get connected to what God has been doing in thailand.  We connected with many missionaries, local ministries, and Thai people.  Thank-you to all who supported me on this trip.  It was a great way to finish off my BA in intercultural studies.  I now will be working for the next two months before I head off to Guatemala with the South Delta Baptist Church team.  I’ll keep you posted on the details.


Thailand Update

North Thailand

Hey All,

Things have all come together for the Thailand trip.  Praise the Lord!  Thanks so much for your support financially and spiritually as I seek to further God’s kingdom in the next short-term mission.

I just got my fairly detailed itinerary yesterday and wanted to share it with you guys as I will most likely be out of contact for most of my time in Thailand.  We will be moving around a lot!  I am not planning on bringing my computer as it would too easily get in the way of moving around the country with ease.  But I will contact and update this page in the appropriate times.

Below is the schedule.  It is subject to change drastically as missions trip always are:

May 1-Arrive in Bangkok & stay in BKK

May 2-BKK city tour-9am-5pm

May 2 & 3-Travel to North Thailand via Train (Sleeper-15 hours & $30 per person) & Van (5 hours & $50 per day w/driver + gas)

May 4-7-Annual MB Family Camp (May 5 & 6) . . .Be ready to serve in children’s ministry w/aprrox. 50 children ages 6-15 (Davis’ will send more specifics)

May 8 & 9-Visit Golden Triangle (Burma, Thailand & Laos) + Ministry in Khmu Villages

May 10-Fly from Chiang Rai to Bangkok . . .I can book tickets but I would need you to send passport names + money ASAP . . .tickets are approx. $75 per person.

May 11-18

-TLC, Bethel (Dave & Louise’s Church) & Angsila Church visits & ministry

-VBS @ Slum community (May 14-17)

-Goodbye Pizza & Pop Party @ ALH orphanage (May 17)

-& Much Much More!!

I hope that gives you guys an idea of what will be happening.  Now all that is left is finishing my last course at CBC, buying some malaria pills, moving out, and doing two days training for the thailand trip in the states… then I’m off!

Pray for:

God’s Kingdom to be advanced, Health, Travel, Team Unity, Spiritual/Mental/Physical protection.



Thailand on the Horizon

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Life has been continuing on here at Columbia Bible College.  I have been finishing up my fourth (or sixth depending on how to count it) year and looking to the next stage of life.  I hope to have a season of working, doing music, and being involved in the local church.

As I’m coming to the end of my time I have been encouraged by my own passion, my peace in prayers, and by some of the leaders here at CBC to go on the schools missions trip to Thailand at the end of the year.  I’m not sure what the Lord would have of me on this trip, but through prayer and community support I hope to follow up on this call.  One of my professors decided randomly that he wanted to meet with me and encourage me. I don’t know him all that well, but one thing he sensed as he was praying for me the weeks before was that the Lord desired me to go on one last cross-cultural mission experience before I begin my ministry here in the Lower Mainland.  Little did he know that I had just been asked by one of the leaders of the trip to come and help him with the trip to Thailand the day before.  Now it may sound like they had some kinda secret plan to get Jon on mission with their CBC team, but it is not.  The professor didn’t even know of the the trip to Thailand.  haha! Through prayer and the sense of peace that has been given I have continued to follow up and began taking the steps to going.

The Lord has provided my deposit already!  I have no money but am looking forward to seeing how God will bring it.  If he wants me there he will provide!  I am continuing to pray and rally up some people for the financial and spiritual support for going.

It will be a short-term mission for 3 weeks to Chonburi (I think that is how it is spelled) to support MB missions full time missionaries that have been there for over a decade.  They have been planting a church, running break dancing programs, and running english teaching schools the past years and we get the privilege of coming alongside them at the hottest time of the year to help out (apparently Thailand heat is unbearable).

The cost of the trip with flight included is around 2600 dollars.  We hope to fund raise some of that cost as a team together, but some of it (around 1200-1500) will be personal fund raising as well.  Let me know if you sense the Lord’s nudge to give finances or prayer support.  I have an account with MB Mission that can be given to online, through phone, or through mail-in and you will be given a tax receipt.  Send me and e-mail and we can figure out the best way or if you want more information or I can even show up to your house; I’d love that! Contact me at: jon@familyharris.ca


Jon Harris



Getting to the Heart of your Desires

What's in your heart?

It seems what is on my heart is how I have so much expectation in my time with the Lord.  I’ve made it this name “time with the Lord” that sure makes it inticing, but what does that really mean?  For I can read my bible and it not be time with the Lord.  I can write a whole bunch… I can sit in silence…  but where does the Lord come in?  The Lord does not want me to have my time with him anxiously expecting to receive a word quickly from him so I can move on with my day and check off my Jesus time box on my schedule.  It is a time to be filled.  It is a time to search the heart and see what its burdens are.  The Bible is good, but I am finding that it can more and more get in the way of actually wrestling through the condition of my heart.  I look to the Bible for correction and wisdom into God’s character…  but what of actually being filled with his Holy Spirit?  Am I really taking my time out to enjoy him and his characteristics that I have learned from the Bible?  Am I actually experiencing my relationship with God?  I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I know that I actually don’t connect best with people through studying them.  I connect best through experiencing life with them.  When we do together, then we have things to talk about.  If all I do is go to the person in hopes of fulfilling my duty, I have lost the big idea.  The big idea in the theme of the Bible…  God wants my heart.  He doesn’t want we to be some great leader, he doesn’t want me to be the best dad above all else, he doesn’t even want me to be the best Christian, but what he is deeply concerned about is what my heart desires.  Does my heart desire money?  God wants that desire…  Does my heart desire a spouse?  God wants that desire…  Does my heart hate?  God wants to heal that and redeem those energies given to hate to turn to energies used in love of himself and his people.

Big question Jon.  What does your heart desire right now?  Honestly…  What desires are not as they should be…  Let me explain why they shouldn’t be there… let me explain why they cause you anxiety…  Let me take your burdens that your desire may be for me and love of the kingdom.  I’ll take care of the rest.  Just ask me and it will be given.

So I pass on the question to you…  What does your heart desire?  What is the deepest desire of your heart?  If you could be given anything in your life right now?  Because if it is not God, he is jealous.  God wants that and will fight ferociously for it…  He has killed millions that his people may give their hearts to him.  He has even given up his own son, that you may know how great his love is…  But really examine yourself.  Let the Lord’s love take over any other desire that your heart may have for it is peanuts in comparison to his great love.  Something so great, yet so overlooked by our hearts is the fact that the God of the universe is willing to care for you…all of it…if you but turn your heart to him and walk with him in pursing his kingdom.

Back at it!

Hey all,

Just thought I would update anyone who is still looking in here to my life.

Things have been a-shiften, if you don’t mind me saying so in a funny manner.  I got home to not having the usual house that I stay at.  It was sold.  It has actually been a good thing.  A good motivator to get me going on from old places.  Though Tsawwassen has been my home for many years, it seems that my community there is hard to find.  I come home to find that relationships are not really re-entered, but rebuilt.  Some are lost, some are remaining.  Some are more distant.  Some are closer.  Some come out of nowhere.  Some cause joy.  Others bring back memories both good and bad.  It may seem like I’m saying some of this in a sad state, but that is not true.  It is just that feeling that many missionaries, and those that have moved a lot start to feel.  You enter what once was home, only to find that it is really just another missionary field to begin a new work.  It is like starting over in many senses.  Home, as so many have said in the past, is simply the place where you have community.  It is the place where you don’t have the constant anxiety of wondering who your friends are.  It is the place where you don’t have the constant anxiety of trying to have something good to tell others you are doing so you feel dignified in some weird way.  Home is where you have peace.  Thanks to the Lord and his Holy Spirit we are able to have peace anywhere.  Perhaps it is more fleeting in some places more than others, but the same God is everywhere.  His rules apply across the universe.

I was worshipping the other day and was blessed by peace.  It seems there is much to not be at peace about, but in the Lord’s presence I have found it.  It is sad that it lasts for such a short time, but all the more reason to go back to him and worship with all my heart.  It is where I have found my strength to remain. My strength of getting through those times where you soul just doesn’t want to be at peace. We must worship!  I have learned this the past year.  In all those times where I felt lonely or just out of passion, it was in worship that my bitterness once again was turned to thankfulness.  It is worship of him that we are made.  So it makes sense that if I am not worshipping him with all my heart in what I do that I start to go empty.  Just as a car does not run on air, my soul does not run off nothing.  But if I want to keep a heart on fire for the Lord it is going to take maintenance.  Not hard maintenance, but joyful, passionate, all-heart giving worship.

This has been some of what has been on my mind.  I hope I can encourage all out there who are empty in soul that the Lord does fill!  He will bring peace.  Perhaps it seems the farthest things from reality, but that it when seeing him come through will mean all the more.

A song that I keep on repeat right now is:  Love Came Down by Bryan Johnson.  I suggest it.  Not just once, but all day!

Blessings until next time.

Hadime Juniors Program

This is a video that was made from the 4 day Hadime Juniors program that we as a team put on in San Jose del Quince (a city just outside of Guadalajara).
Vodpod videos no longer available.